Well, my mom is really doing it. She is graduating college with her masters degree in Special Education. Everyone in our family could not be prouder. She had to go and take a test. A big test. She went a few Sundays ago. She was really nervous about this test. If she didn't pass this test then she would not be able to graduate with her masters degree. Well, on Tuesday morning we got the news that she had passed!! That meant of course we had to celebrate!!! We went to Joes Crab Shack. Joining us was Grandpa, Auntie Kristine, Jessica, and Kassi. Let me just tell you...It was DELICIOUS. Most of us got the crab daddy feast which included some snow crab, dungenous crab, and king crab, red poatotes, and corn. It was expensive, but it was so worth it. Here are some pictures of that evening.

Mom and Katie

Grandpa and Auntie Kristine

Megan and Dad

Crab Daddy Feast

My mom being...my mom ♥
I love how close our family is. We have a great support system. If someone does something awesome we are all there to celebrate. If someone or all of us are going through a hard time we are all there for eachother. Its not something we have to do, it just comes natural. Its something you dont come by often. Familes really are forever. Everyone in this family are the luckiest people in the world. No contest.
Thanks for Listening...<3