As you know from previous blog posts my Fiance is in the United States Marine Corps, and my sister Katie will soon be joining Daniel. Well, when Katie first started looking into the USMC she had to go and meet with a recruiter. Well after she talked met and talked with one she just went on and on about the Marines. I could see that my sister was truly happy. She was glowing. She found what she wanted to do with her future and she was running with it. She kept talking about Sgt. Osborne, her recruiter. She would come home from school or something and go on about what Sgt. Osborne said or whatever. Well, I finally told Katie that I wanted to meet this guy. I wanted to meet the man who made me sister find what was going to make her happy. He helped her follow an awesome path, and I wanted to put a face to a name.
Well, Katie came home from school one day and said that she needed to sign some papers and that she needed to go to the Sandy recruiting office. I quickly jumped on that because I wanted to go and meet Sgt. Osborne. She said that it would be okay for me to come with her. So, we got in the car and drove over there.
I have mentioned in a previous post that when I met him I thought that he was the shit and you know what? He is. I mean, even before I met him I liked him just because of what he is doing for my sister, but after meeting him I like him even more.
I respect him so much for what he does. Some people probably just think his job is like a sales job...that he is just selling the Marine Corps to young vulnerable people, but no that is not what he is doing. He is showing people that they have options. That they could do something great for themselves and for their country. He is showing these people a life of courage, resepct, and honor. He is helping people find what it is they want and giving them a little push to achieve that. I know that is what he is doing for my sister. She didnt think that she wanted to be a Marine and after she left that office she knew that is what she wanted to do. When I see my sister talk to him I know that she respects him. I love that he is willing to help her in anyway that he can. He met most of our family and just for that I respect him. Our family can be kinda scary. Haha. No matter how tough of a marine you are!! haha :)
I dont know, I guess what I am trying to get at here is that I want to Thank Sgt. Osborne for what he is doing for my sister. I know that he is a great guy. I respect him so much. He makes me want to be a part of the USMC...even though I cant be because of my diabetes...I talk to him and I am like...damn he makes me want to be a part of this! I think he is great at his job, and I think he is an awesome person in general. **(even though he makes fun of my being "pregnant")** haha
So, Sgt. Osborne...Thank you for all that you do. I am sure you get thanked all the time for serving our country, but this time I am not thanking you for that. I am thanking you for showing my sister how great she is and that she can do anything she puts her mind to. Thank you for giving her the confidence she needed to do this. Thank you for being there for her. :) You really are theeee shit :)
Thanks for LISTENING...<3
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