Hello, my name is Alexis. I am a person who stands up for what she believes in. I am a person who speaks her mind. I am a person, who cares about people. I am a person who always puts people before herself. I am a person who rebels. I am a person who doesnt like to be told what to do, I like to be the person who tells people what to do. I am a person who is just herself, and really doesnt care what other people think. I am stubborn. I do what I want. This is me. This is who I am.
It didnt always used to be like that. When I was younger, I was shy. When I had a problem I didnt mention it to anyone. When I had something to say I didnt say it to anyone. When I was called upon in school I got so embarrassed I actually didnt want to go to school because I might get called on again. I let people walk all over me. I didnt let my voice be heard. After my best friend moved to Cedar City, I had to force myself to be more independant. Every year I would get close to someone and then they would leave. 9th grade it was Scottie Drury. 10th grade came along and I had to go to Hillcrest and he had to go to Kearns High School. Then I got close to Kasandra and Shelbie. 11th grade came and they left to go to Itineris Early College High School. Then I got close to Cody. 12th grade came along and we were both in the pharmacy tech program at the Jordan Applied Technology Center, but I was in AM and she was in PM. Then I found Chase. He stuck around for awhile, but all those years of me being on my own. Having to start over each year, I became more independant. I realized that I couldnt just let people walk all over me anymore. I realized that if I had something to say, I needed to be heard. I started walking a little taller, I started talking a little louder. I decided to step up and be the person I was born to be. My my senior year in High School no one could tell me who I was because I already knew. No one could tell me what to do because I followed no one but myself.
My sister is the complete opposite of me. She is quiet. She is strong. She has more ambition than I will ever seen in myself. She is amazing. She is beautiful. She is my sister. She is my best friend. She didnt go through the same things I did while growing up so of course we are going to be different people. She doesnt yell at my parents when she is mad. She thinks before she speaks. She actually goes through a thought process before speaking. She is a person that I will never be. Sensible.
I didnt realize this until a few weeks ago, but my sister, my best friend, is also my hero. She has been wanting to join the military for quite some time now. My mom has never been on board with that idea, but she always kept it in her mind. Now she is a senior in high school and is about to graduate in a month. Earlier in the year she had plans to go to school up in Logan at Utah State, as the year went on she decided that is not the route she wanted to go and she wanted to just go to SLCC. Even that wasnt something she really wanted, but she knew that not going to college was not an option. This is when she started looking into the military a little bit more. She had talked to the National Guard, and she liked it but didnt really pursue it much. She requested information online for the Marines, Navy, Army, and Air Force. The Marines called her on the phone the very next day. None of the other branches have yet to contact her. She has been going to PT (physical training) with the Marines for a few weeks now. She has been working hard. She can keep up with them too, which is great. My little sister is going to be a Marine. My family is not really on board with this idea. They are always mentioning the Air Force and trying to get her to get more information on other branches. Well today we did. We walked into the Navy Office and it was ridiculous. The recruiter did not even stand up to shake our hand or greet us. He had us sit down and then started talking to Katie. He asked her what she was looking for. She said that she wants to serve her country. He went on to say that the Navy is really just a support system and that right now they are kind of just focusing on relief help and humanitarian help and such. He told her that if she didnt want to do that, if she wanted to be a boot on land than the Navy just wasnt for her. We already knew that. We looked at eachother and basically told that Sailor thanks for your time and we walked right over to the Marine office. There is met Sgt. Osborne. Let me just tell you, he is the SHIT. He was so good with my sister. I could tell just by her body language and the way she looked, she was a Marine. Katie is worried about signing those papers because of our parents. She doesnt want to cause things between our family. She doesnt want drama. She doesnt want to disappoint our family. I told her and so did Sgt. Osborne, that our family is going to be so proud of her when she is done with boot camp. I am already so proud of my sister I might just possibly burst. Its insane.
I got in a fight, well not really a fight, but an argument with my father on the issue of her joining tonight. He said that he thought it was too soon. It was a long conversation. I really wont get into it, but all I have to say is my opinion on the matter. My sister is a Marine. She hasnt signed that contract yet, but she is a Marine. I can see it when I look at her. She is one of the strongest people I have ever met and I am so proud to say that I am her sister. I am so lucky. I am not excited that my sister, my best friend is going to be leaving me and that we will be far apart. BUT I am so excited to tell everyone and their dog that my sister, my best friend is a United States Marine. See, not only am I going to be married to one, but my SISTER is going to be one as well. I just have so much pride I cannot believe it. My parents are afraid. Thats legit. I am too, but I am not going to let fear stop me from supporting my sister. I believe that you should never, NEVER let fear keep you from doing something. Because you can ALWAYS rise above your fear. It makes you stronger. My parents dont really see that right now, my family doesnt really see that right now, but you know what? They will. My family is super close. We love eachother and we support eachother. My sister needs to know that each person in my family is going to be so proud of her its crazy ridiculous, she just needs to do this for her. And she will. I know she will. In the end, everyone is going to be so proud of her we wont be able to stand it :)
My sister just needs to know that I honestly have never been more proud of someone or something in my whole life. This is a HUGE deal. Katherine is my hero. She will be until the day I die and even after that. I do not know what I would do without my sister in my life. She literally is the glue to my life. Without her I would crumble. I envy her so much. She is so brave. She is so strong. I hope that when I have children of my own someday they will look to Auntie Katie for a role model because she is one hell of a person, I'll tell you what. I am the luckiest girl in the world to say...

Thanks for LISTENING....<3
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